Non-Food Vendor Application

Non-Food Vendors Application

Complete Application Below. Someone Will Be in Touch.

Complete Application Below. Someone Will Be in Touch.

Non-Food Vendors Application Form

Non-Food Vendors Application

Arcola Broomcorn Festival Rules

The following is a list of rules and regulations that you are agreeing upon as a vendor. If you choose not to comply with these rules, the Arcola Broomcorn Festival Committee / Arcola Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to ask you to remove yourself from the festival without a refund. Please read through these rules thoroughly.

By signing the application you are indicating that you agree to all rules.

  1. The Arcola Broomcorn Festival Committee (ABFC) reserves the right, as its sole discretion, to close any vendor, should the vendor or any of their employees engage in acts that are disruptive and against the best interest of the event. Vendors should refrain from selling or displaying items that are considered offensive, obscene or could pose a public health or safety concern. ABFC may, at its discretion, remove any vendor merchandise or display that does not conform to the rules.
  2. Street vendors may begin setting up at 10am on Thursday. Please check in at the Broom Palace on Main St. You will be given your booth location and festival schedule. You are asked to pull up to your assigned location, unload and park your vehicle prior to any set up of your booth. Your vehicle can not block the roadway at any time. Vendor parking is available, and you will be given this information at the time of check-in. Check-in Friday morning will begin at 7am at the Broom Palace. All vendors must have their booth set up and vehicles off the street by 9am on Friday morning. 
  3. No street vendors may begin breaking down their booths until 5pm on Sunday unless prior arrangements have been made and approved by the ABCF. No vehicles are allowed on the street until the close of the festival at 5pm on Sunday. 
  4. ABFC has the right to place vendors in any location. Vendors booths can be on the street, sidewalk or grass area. Repeat vendors can request a location but no there is no guarantee of reserved booth space. If you sell out of a trailer or have specific space requirements please communicate that to the vendor coordinator. 
  5. Prohibited Sale Items - No guns, knives (unless approved by ABCF (kitchen knives)), pinpoint laser lights, pepper spray, smoke bombs, products that represent or imply drug use, drug paraphernalia, pornography, any item that resembles or bears the confederate battle flag are prohibited. ABCF has the sole discretion to prohibit vendors from selling or displaying items that may be considered offensive, obscene, or could pose a public health or safety concern. The sale of bootleg or counterfeit products is prohibited. Selling these types of goods results in patent infringement and/or trademark infringement. ABCF will allow one representative from a Direct Sales Company.
  6. The Arcola Broomcorn Festival is a family-friendly festival and vendors are expected to be professional and act appropriately. All vendors should wear clean clothing and present themselves in a professional appearance. Foul language, profanity, and any other rude behavior are not permitted and will not be tolerated. 
  7. No refunds are given. If a vendor needs to cancel their reservation, their payment may be rolled over to the following year. Refunds may be given on a case-by-case basis.
  8. By electronically signing the vendor application, you are agreeing to uphold all the rules and regulations of the Arcola Broomcorn Festival.

Vendor Information

Booth Information

  • All payment is due by August 1, 2024. Any payment sent after or payment at the festival will have a $50 late fee added to the booth fee. 
  • All spaces are outdoor spaces and located on brick streets and grass areas.
  • All vendors are required to carry liability insurance and show proof of $1,000,000 coverage. You can purchase insurance at  or 888-568-0548. 
  • All vendors, except not-for-profit, tax-exempt, must pay IL state sales tax (8.25%).
  • Please make checks payable to Arcola Chamber of Commerce. 
  • Mail to Arcola Broomcorn Festival, PO Box 274, Arcola IL 61910. 

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